Search Engines and Directories
How do you bring traffic to your site?
Search engines are Internet directories, designed to make your site easy to find and easily accessible to Internet users (a link to your site is included with each directory listing). Without your listing in search engines, it would be like conducting business in a community and not being listed in the telephone book. And, if your website isn’t located in the top-20 listings of the major search engines, chances are your site will rarely be seen
- According to recent users surveys, 80% use search engines to find local product & service information. One key finding was that four out of five smartphone users conduct mobile searches to find nearby businesses offering the products, services and experiences they want.
- A CommerceNet/Nielsen Media Research survey reveals search engines are overwhelmingly the No. 1 Web-navigation instrument—with 71% of frequent users saying they find out about sites they want to reach through search engines.”
- Numerous studies have shown the Top Ways Websites are Discovered are:
- Search Engines: 42%
- Random Surfing: 20%
- Word-of-mouth: 12.8%
- Magazine ads: 4.4%
- Social: 4%
- “By accident”: 2.1%
- TV spots: 1.4%
- Targeted email: 1.4%
- Banner ads: 1%
- Nine out of ten web users visit a search engine, portal or community site each month. They also revisit frequently, nearly five times per month.
Given the above statistics it should be obvious if you want your website to be found, it’s imperative to submit your site to the major search engines.
What are the important Search Engines to be listed in?
While there are many search engines on the Internet, getting listed on the most popular search engines will generate the most traffic to your Web site. An effective search engine marketing strategy leverages the advantages of each of the major search engines and their advertising channels including natural and paid.
Over 90% of search engine traffic comes from Google, Yahoo, and Bing. These three search engines provide results for many other search engines, and if you are listed on these three search engines, your site will be listed on many other search engines too.
By far, the most important is Google. The company’s name, “Google” has even become a verb that describes a person searching the Internet for what they’re looking for.
Do you want to work hard? Or would you prefer to work smart?
The smart way is to not waste allot of time submitting to the multitude of smaller search engines… rather focus your attention on the most popular search engines. If there are local or specialized directories related to your web site, those too should be targeted for your submissions.
Following are some of the most popular search engines:
StartPage, and its sister search engine Ixquick, are the only search engines that do not record your IP address or track your searches.
A note about Meta Search Engines
Meta search engines do not use their own databases and do not index websites. They query your search from many different search engines simultaneously and merge together the results into one unified set of results. For example, Web Crawler may take your search term and compile its results from Google and Yahoo. Some other popular meta seach engines include: Dog Pile and SurfWax.
Getting listed in a meta search engine requires your site to have been indexed by the search engines it pulls its results from. Therefore, it is important to get a good ranking in the search engine databases used by the meta search engine.
Are You Ready to Submit Your Site to the Search Engines?
Search Engine Placement Strategies
How to Submit Your Site to Search Engines
More ways to bring traffic to your site
Let’s Continue the Promotion Strategy…
Promote, Promote & when you are done, do a little more promoting! Master one method of promotion and then add another, and another, and another. Keep promoting, promoting, promoting.
Implement a Killer Site
Internet marketing really is not rocket science. You just have to get a few things right and then repeat, repeat, repeat. Success will not happen overnight but will take time to build momentum. If you keep promoting, in time momentum will build and you will get an ever increasing number of visitors to your website. If you stop promoting, traffic will likely also slow down.